AI for Contact Centers: Insights from Industry Leading CEOs

In a world where customer expectations are evolving faster than ever, your contact center customer engagement strategies can make or break your business. Every interaction matters more than you think and businesses that are early adopters of generative AI now have powerful tools at their disposal to enhance how they interact with customers. Recently, we hosted a webinar titled “CX 2.0: The AI Advantage” where Alex Levin, Co-Founder and CEO of, and Mark Bernstein, Founder and CEO of Balto, shared their thoughts on the impact of AI for contact centers. Let’s dive into some of the key takeaways and see how AI is transforming the customer experience.

Your Gateway to Enhanced Customer Experience with AI for Contact Centers

Today’s customers expect consistent, high-quality experiences no matter where or how they interact with your brand. In fact, one in three consumers (32%) say they will walk away from a brand they love after just one bad experience. 

Generative AI holds the promise of high quality, affordable customer interactions. Whether you believe it’s in 2 years or 20, the consensus from Alex and Mark is that over 90% of contact center interactions will be automated, and the rest will be served by “super agents”, empowered by AI tools.

Generative AI for contact centers leverages the explosion of 1st party customer data - from website signals to conversations - to create seamless and meaningful interactions with customers. The leading contact centers are already using AI to improve how businesses connect with their audience across various channels, from phone calls to emails to social media interactions. 

Bridging the Gap Between Human Touch and AI Interactions

Historically, contact centers have focused on optimizing for efficiency, often resulting in agents treating all customers the same or deterministic bots failing to engage in a meaningful or empathetic manner. This efficiency-focused approach has led to a perception that AI comes with a lack of empathy, primarily due to past experiences with rigid, one-size-fits-all bots. However, the latest generation of AI tools is transforming this dynamic. Modern AI is designed to deliver a more personalized, empathetic experience, often at a fraction of the cost of human agents. While AI may not yet perfectly handle every situation, it represents a significant step forward in balancing efficiency with genuine customer engagement. By embracing these advancements, contact centers can offer tailored interactions that meet individual customer needs while maintaining operational excellence.

This new era of AI for contact centers focuses on understanding and responding to individual customer needs with greater precision to provide more nuanced interactions. The result is a blend of efficiency and empathy that was previously unattainable, allowing contact centers to improve both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. As AI continues to evolve, it will increasingly become a crucial tool for delivering exceptional customer service, bridging the gap between technology and the human touch.

Alex Levin discusses the benefits of AI for contact centers

Are AI Agents Ready to Take on the Challenge?

AI agents are now more capable than ever and are ready to handle a significant portion of customer interactions on their own. With advancements in AI technology, these agents can manage a wide range of tasks, from answering inquiries to resolving issues, with impressive efficiency and accuracy. AI agents can analyze customer data in real-time, providing responses that are not only swift but also contextually relevant. This capability allows them to independently manage most interactions effectively.

However, there will always be a small percentage of interactions that require a higher level of nuance and empathy. For these cases, "super agents"—human agents supported by AI—will step in. These super agents use AI tools to gain deeper insights and handle complex situations with enhanced understanding. This approach ensures that while AI agents handle routine tasks with excellence, human agents remain available to provide personalized support when it’s most needed, striking a balance between automation and human touch.

Conclusion: Building a Future-Proof, AI Contact Center Ecosystem

The future of customer engagement is here, and it’s powered by AI. As businesses continue to adopt omnichannel approaches, AI will play a crucial role in transforming customer interactions. By integrating AI into your customer engagement and contact center strategy, you’re not just keeping up with trends—you’re setting the stage for a more responsive and efficient future.

Interested in how AI can transform your customer engagement strategy? is here to help. Book a demo to see how our solutions can elevate your customer interactions and drive your business forward.

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